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How To Diet During Lockdown

How To Diet During Lockdown

RESTRICTIONS The current restrictions imposed by the government for COVID-19 are; we have to keep in groups of 6 or less from different households and we have to maintain the social-distancing of at least 2 metres. In addition to this we also have to wear a face mask...

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8 Genius Ways To Survive Low-Calorie Diets

8 Genius Ways To Survive Low-Calorie Diets

I've been on plenty of crazy low-calorie diets in my time, despite only being 24 years old... As a 75kg, 5"8 male, I'm used to eating anywhere between 2,500 and 3,000 calories on a daily basis to maintain my bodyweight. However, I've had to go as low as 1,500 calories...

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Weight Loss – How To Diet For Quick Results

Weight Loss – How To Diet For Quick Results

I can guarantee this isn't the first 'How to diet and achieve weight loss really quickly' post and I can promise you it won't be your last. These sort of posts attract a lot of attention and for good reason - noone wants to be overweight and everyone seems to be...

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5 Fitness Apps That Every 9-5 Worker Should Have

5 Fitness Apps That Every 9-5 Worker Should Have

Working a 9-5 plus juggling looking after kids, let alone yourself can take up a considerable amount of your time (if not all)! With this in mind, I want to run you through the 'must-have' apps for your smartphone in order to keep on top of your weight-loss goals...

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